There was a really dangerous atmosphere which was indicated by the setting and lighting. the setting was slightly isolated and dark which made it look dangerous. started off with high key lighting to indicate the day time and gradually changed to low key to create shadows and show the vilian. top lighting on the protagonist to accentuate features. The props created iconography(barthes) which created enigma codes(barthes). action codes also used showing violence was to follow.
Non digetic voive over sounds were used to be effective in terms of a flashback as it made the events go past quick and also explain them. the storyline was effective and interesting creating enigma codes so we would want to know what happens. Close ups were also used to show features more and focus on certain things which was really effective.
This was effective as it seemed very realistic and had enigma codes as i wanted to find out what was going to happen. it also had humour which made it fun to watch. use of close shots and medium shots allowed us to see the faces in details and identify with the characters.
Thursday, 23 October 2014
the enigma code occurs when the group of boys enter the maze as the audience would want to know what is going on inside there and what is going to happen. There is a disequilibrium right from the start as we and also the actual characters do not know what is going on.
The Princess: is the girl that all the guys find - she is also the helper as the girl and boy both help each other to overcome the maze.
The Hero: The first guy that is shown in the video, it is clear in the video that he is the hero as he is trying to figure all out and trying to restore the equilibrium
The villian: School boy
There is an action code when one school boy is about to punch another. there is a sort of a disequilibrium as there is tension.
The Donor: The headteachers deputy head
The Helper: Teachers
The Hero: The headteacher
There are many enigma codes in this trailer as throughout the audience wants to know what is going on and many questions come to our head. there is a sense of disequilibrium as something seems wrong and out of place.
The Villain: Seems to be the mysterious 'A' that noone knows who is.
The Helper: The police as he is trying to solve the mystery.
The Hero: These are the four girls as they are the main protagonists trying to figure out what is going on.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Cool brands
Apple's products are Sleek, stylish design combined with powerful, groundbreaking technology that make Apple’s range of products iconic must-haves around the world. Apple's brand values could be supporting the rich and luxurious lifestyles and would encourage people to buy their products as they are worth it. Apple made the cool brands list because they are widely recognised all over the world and are considered to have the best technology.
Ghd are committed to product innovation and improvements in technology. they deliver a range of market leading professional hair styling tools that deliver a good hair day, every day. Ghd offer the best and most top quality hair styling products that are bound to make your hair look flawess. Dyers lines of appeal could be used in terms of: rich and luxurious lifestyles as they are quite costly and also the line of appeal of beautiful women. Ghd made the cool brand list because it has good quality and is worth it.
NARS- Modern, audacious and iconic, NARS combines high style with pioneering beauty, underpinned by the words of Founder, François Nars, “Don’t be so serious; it’s only makeup!” nars provides good quality cosmetics that although cost a bit, also leave you feeling besutiful. i think this made the list because it offers top quality products.
VIRGIN ATLANTIC- Exciting innovations, famously friendly service and a unique spirit make Virgin Atlantic a true brand of choice. It’s an airline that just loves to fly. From luxurious Upper Class bars and Clubhouse lounges to an award-winning inflight entertainment system, it offers a taste of the glamour of travel, lost to so many airlines today. brand values are luxurious lifestyles. I think this made the list because it offers an excellent service that people look forward to.
TONY AND GUY- Having celebrated 50 years of hair, fashion and heritage in 2013, TONI&GUY is a renowned innovator within the hair industry, bridging the gap between high fashion and hairdressing. One of the most powerful hairdressing brands in the world, with more than 400 salons in 50 countries, TONI&GUY has helped to change the face of the hairdressing industry on an international scale. I think it made the list because it is one of the most powerful hair dressing brands in the world.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Camera Framing Shots.
Close up - This shot allows the audience to see the facial expressions and how the characters in the shot are feeling. in this shot the joker doesnt look bothered.
Extreme Close up - This shot allows us to empathise and identify with the character as the shot zooms into a certain aspect to show emotions or a key part of the scene. in this shot the camera is extremely closely zoomed into the eye.
Medium Shot - A medium shot is used in particular to accentuate the body language of the character. As well as this it enables a comfortable, emotionally neutral shot. it is used for dialogue sequences, and they allow the viewer to pick up on the character's movements and gestures. In this image, we are able to see the characters body language, as well as their facial expressions.
Long Shot - Long shot shows the reader the setting and the characters body language which can illustrate the key information to the reader. We can see what they are wearing, how they are standing and what they are holding and see the scene they are in.
Extreme Long Shot - An extreme long shot contains a large amount of landscape. It is often used at the beginning of a scene or a film to establish general location (setting). This is also known as an establishing shot. This extreme long shot shows a location which means that perhaps it is something significant in the storyline.
High Angle Shot - High angles make the object photographed seem smaller, and less significant. The object or character often gets swallowed up by their setting - they become part of a wider picture.
Low Angle Shot - Low angles help give a sense of confusion to a viewer, it creates an enigma code. In this shot, we can see that the protagonist looks powerful, and we can see his posture and his facial expressions which seem neutral.
Brand Value
-Apple Inc. is an American
multinational corporation that designs and manufactures consumer electronics,
computer software, and personal computers. Apple the brand is based on improving technology and becoming bigger and better, literally. Dyer's lines of appeal could be applied here: rich, luxurious lifestyles as you need to be financially able to buy these products as Apple products cost quite a big amount of money for products which seem simple but the technology is extravagant so it is worth more than an average smart-phone.
-The brand is focused on thinking different and becoming bigger and better.
are a well-known company.They aim mainly at children but do also families.They
have a brand value of dreams, fantasy, romance and love. This conveys that the line of appeal that they
belong to is Happy Families as they promote a place in which every body wants
to belong.They
like to include having that typical happy ever after fantasy and making sure
that there meeting that need.They like to make princesses beautiful and girly
and the princes handsome and the hero.they come under the successful
brand as all their movies are successful and so are the people that work there.
-Disney is the land where everyones dreams come true.-Fantasy/Fairytail.
-Mac makeup is all about the beauty and richness of makeup. it associates with beautiful women as well as rich, luxurious lifestyles. its brand values would be about quality and beauty.Beautiful women – women usually purchase mac cosmetics because of its quality and the richness. Rich, luxurious lifestyles - these cosmetics usually cost a lot of money so it associates with ‘luxurious lifestyles.’ Their cosmetics are longer lasting and they also provide a variety of different trends in make-up. Mac stores usually provide tutorials with their make-up before the customer purchases it bringing in more customers and their popularity.
-Mac cosmetics are all about beauty and individuality of women
-Hollister associates with rich lifestyles, romance, glamorous places, successful careers and beautiful women. Hollister provides valuable clothing with new trends. It is famous for women, men, girls and boys clothing. Many customers purchase Hollister products; they also sell accessories and fragrances which makes it more known. Hollister use ‘beautiful women’ to advertise their products, this usually catches the customer’s attention into buying the product. Hollister usually advertise both women and men, usually young to advertise their products, which usually engages couples and also shows romance, as their adverts are usually sensual.
-Hollister a famous california brand provides clothing with new trends.
-McDonalds have a interesting brand value as they are known internationally for their branches. Gillian Dyers 'Lines of Appeal' are linked with McDonalds as they include many. For example, the concept of Children as they include promotions in order to make sure that the children that want food from McDonalds are satisfied - thus them giving out toys in the happy meals. Another one is that they have a friendly illustration of what happy families would expect when going to shop in a store.
-The famous and catch slogan of mcdonalds ; 'im lovin it'
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Film Noir.
Film noir is a style or genre of cinematographic film marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and menace. it is one of Hollywood’s only organic artistic movements. The term Film Noir is a French word which means black film. It is associated with a low-key black and white visual style. It is term used to describe stylish Hollywood crime and sexual movements. Beginning in the early 1940s, numerous screenplays inspired by hardboiled American crime fiction were brought to the screen. Film noir movies essentially consist of a femme fatale and various well dressed gangsters causing crime and avoiding being caught. They were all made in black and white to allow focus on the the plot rather than the affect of the colours used.
This is a still showing the femme fatale and a gangster which you would typically see in any film noir movie. There are many types of lighting that have been used in this image such as top lighting, high-key lighting, under lighting and also low-key lighting.
The use of high-key lighting depicts the dimly lit scene and makes it look realistic. Top lighting is also used on the mans face to accentuate his features and make him look more glamorous. In the centre of the image there is a sort of bright light, it shines on the cigarette the man is holding which shows the iconography (Barthes). Low-key lighting is also used to produce contrast of light and dark which shows the chiaroscuro and is mainly shown on the bottom half of the image and on the woman. Under lighting comes from below and behind and shows a distorted effect on the woman which is very effective.
At the start of this movie trailer it starts of showing underlighting and this lighting is coming from below which is leading to a distorted effect. Low-key lighting is also created along this trailer as the lighting is created by using only the key and back lights. This effect produces strong contrasts of light and dark and creates dramtic shadows allowing the audience to feel some tension and suspense.
Friday, 10 October 2014
Blog feedback and Learner response.
WWW: You've got some good work on your blog (particularly impressive and detailed for the Film Language side of the course) and it's great to see you using media language consistently.
EBI: You need a bit more detail to your analysis of the adverts - use paragraphs to ensure you are exploring each aspect of the text in enough depth. Be very careful stating any product is aimed at 'everyone' - target audience needs to be much more detailed than that. Finally, you will need to develop your media consumption over the next year - read a newspaper regularly, follow the news on Twitter and become a media expert!
LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
My Response:
The first month of media has gone well as i have learnt new keywords and more new analytical skills which has helped me in my work. The strongest piece of work that i have done so far is my poster analysis on the film taken. this is because i have analysed that piece of work in depth and highlighted all the key words i have used in the analysis. however my worst piece of work is my media consumption work because it doesnt say much. i need to develop my media skills over the next year so i can become a media expert.
EBI: You need a bit more detail to your analysis of the adverts - use paragraphs to ensure you are exploring each aspect of the text in enough depth. Be very careful stating any product is aimed at 'everyone' - target audience needs to be much more detailed than that. Finally, you will need to develop your media consumption over the next year - read a newspaper regularly, follow the news on Twitter and become a media expert!
LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?
My Response:
The first month of media has gone well as i have learnt new keywords and more new analytical skills which has helped me in my work. The strongest piece of work that i have done so far is my poster analysis on the film taken. this is because i have analysed that piece of work in depth and highlighted all the key words i have used in the analysis. however my worst piece of work is my media consumption work because it doesnt say much. i need to develop my media skills over the next year so i can become a media expert.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
High brow is beyond the superficiality and includes a message for you to think that stimulates your intellect. it is a higher level of thinking. More elevated way of thinking. (documentaries)
Low brow is not highly intellectual or cultured.a person who possesses or has pretensions to superior learning or culture. Simpler way of highbrow, superficiality (celebrity gossip).
Public broadcasting includes radio, television and other electronic media outlets whose primary mission is public service.
BBC One's remit is to be the BBC's most popular mixed-genre television service across the UK. offering a wide range of high quality programmes. a very high proportion of its programmes should be original productions. BBC1 tries to fit in with the crowd and be a multi-cultural company because they need to cater for everyone. they have to fit in with the genres like drama, comedy and entertainment. there are many tv shows that come on this channel such as eastenders, holby city and the bbc news. i think it fits in with the working class and ages between 16 years onwards.
Public broadcasting includes radio, television and other electronic media outlets whose primary mission is public service.
BBC One's remit is to be the BBC's most popular mixed-genre television service across the UK. offering a wide range of high quality programmes. a very high proportion of its programmes should be original productions. BBC1 tries to fit in with the crowd and be a multi-cultural company because they need to cater for everyone. they have to fit in with the genres like drama, comedy and entertainment. there are many tv shows that come on this channel such as eastenders, holby city and the bbc news. i think it fits in with the working class and ages between 16 years onwards.
Programmes that appear on this channel include things like Cash in the Attic, and Ready Steady Cook. I think the TV channels aim is to entertain and inform their audience as many of their shows are funny. Finally, depending on the type of show, BBC 2's average target audience would be working-class, around the ages of 16-50 and both female and male.
ITV host the X Factor, Britain’s got Talent and You’ve Been Framed alongside many more classics such as I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. ITV can pass for low brow because of the entertaining and celebrity orientated nature of the channel- it appeals to younger people more. Target audience: working-class, 15-35.
Channel 4
Channel 4 mainly focuses on soaps and entertainment.Some programmes that are on here are Hollyoaks, deal or no deal,come dine with me and many more.Channel 4 launched in 1982 there job was to inform and entertain the younger generation and older generation.they wanted to do both audience to keep the range wide enough.I think the audience would be for young teenager so 15-21 year olds and then older from 28 years onwards.
Channel 4 mainly focuses on soaps and entertainment.Some programmes that are on here are Hollyoaks, deal or no deal,come dine with me and many more.Channel 4 launched in 1982 there job was to inform and entertain the younger generation and older generation.they wanted to do both audience to keep the range wide enough.I think the audience would be for young teenager so 15-21 year olds and then older from 28 years onwards.
Channel 5
Channel 5 airs Big Brother and Once Upon A Time. A low-brow television channel based upon the documentary styled programmes. These programmes take upon a more serious look, in some cases they air programmes for infants early in the morning but this contradicts the serious outlook. For instance, CSI is often aired on channel five and they usually put on action/drama movies on the weekend for their audience.
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Institution Presentation Feedback.
Time warner - Ashmita, Dhruvina, Sarese.
- great starter - immediate engagement, really user friendly and links really well.
- next slide contextualises but needs more teaching.
- this improves with the next slide - good history/background and clearly planned presentation.
- use of video content a nice idea but needed more context/explanation. not clear why it was there.
- be aware of reading from the slide; does not make for a good presentation.
- second video focuses more on the cable side of the business but some good media lessons here.
-we had a good starter that engaged with the audience.
-had a good video.
-good history on the business.
-spoke in our own words.
-didnt read from slide.
-need more teaching.
7 Institutions.
- Viacom-American global mass media company which is the world's fifth largest institution in media.
- The BBC- UK based institution that provide television, radio and online services.
- Time Warner- currently the world's third largest television networks and filmed TV & entertainment company.
- News Corporation- Australian based company that sells newspapers and owns a vast amount of companies.
- The Walt Disney Company- huge institution that comprises a variety of broadcast, cable, radio and publishing across two divisions-Disney/ABC television and ESPN.
- Vivendi- is a French company that focuses on digital entertainment & telecommunications.
- BSkyB- British satellite broadcasting, broadband and telephone services institution.
Trinity Mirror (UK): Trinity Mirror plc is a large British newspaper, magazine and digital publisher.
Sony: A Japanese multinational company corporation headquartered in Japan. Its business is primarily focused on the electronics, game, entertainment and financial services.
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