-Apple Inc. is an American
multinational corporation that designs and manufactures consumer electronics,
computer software, and personal computers. Apple the brand is based on improving technology and becoming bigger and better, literally. Dyer's lines of appeal could be applied here: rich, luxurious lifestyles as you need to be financially able to buy these products as Apple products cost quite a big amount of money for products which seem simple but the technology is extravagant so it is worth more than an average smart-phone.
-The brand is focused on thinking different and becoming bigger and better.
are a well-known company.They aim mainly at children but do also families.They
have a brand value of dreams, fantasy, romance and love. This conveys that the line of appeal that they
belong to is Happy Families as they promote a place in which every body wants
to belong.They
like to include having that typical happy ever after fantasy and making sure
that there meeting that need.They like to make princesses beautiful and girly
and the princes handsome and the hero.they come under the successful
brand as all their movies are successful and so are the people that work there.
-Disney is the land where everyones dreams come true.-Fantasy/Fairytail.
-Mac makeup is all about the beauty and richness of makeup. it associates with beautiful women as well as rich, luxurious lifestyles. its brand values would be about quality and beauty.Beautiful women – women usually purchase mac cosmetics because of its quality and the richness. Rich, luxurious lifestyles - these cosmetics usually cost a lot of money so it associates with ‘luxurious lifestyles.’ Their cosmetics are longer lasting and they also provide a variety of different trends in make-up. Mac stores usually provide tutorials with their make-up before the customer purchases it bringing in more customers and their popularity.
-Mac cosmetics are all about beauty and individuality of women
-Hollister associates with rich lifestyles, romance, glamorous places, successful careers and beautiful women. Hollister provides valuable clothing with new trends. It is famous for women, men, girls and boys clothing. Many customers purchase Hollister products; they also sell accessories and fragrances which makes it more known. Hollister use ‘beautiful women’ to advertise their products, this usually catches the customer’s attention into buying the product. Hollister usually advertise both women and men, usually young to advertise their products, which usually engages couples and also shows romance, as their adverts are usually sensual.
-Hollister a famous california brand provides clothing with new trends.
-McDonalds have a interesting brand value as they are known internationally for their branches. Gillian Dyers 'Lines of Appeal' are linked with McDonalds as they include many. For example, the concept of Children as they include promotions in order to make sure that the children that want food from McDonalds are satisfied - thus them giving out toys in the happy meals. Another one is that they have a friendly illustration of what happy families would expect when going to shop in a store.
-The famous and catch slogan of mcdonalds ; 'im lovin it'
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