Write a detailed analysis of this Doctor Who magazine front cover using the 12 key conventions from the notes. For each one, explain the purpose of the convention and the effect or impact it has on the audience.
Title of Publication - It is placed in the top third of the magazine to make it visible to the audience however Doctor Who's head covers the bottom of the wording but everyone who would purchase this magazine knows what the magazine is called as it is a very popular show. The font type is different than all of the other types on the page. This makes the title significant, also done through the font colour, which emphasises the genre of science-fiction.
Slogan - The slogan is located in the middle of the page and says ''The Doctors past comes back to haunt him.' The slogan is a short, catchy phrase that is intended to ‘sum-up’ the magazine’s image, what the show is about and to stick in the readers mind.
Central image - The central image is used to incite the audience into the magazine. This magazine is different as they use three people in one central image. The most significant character is placed in the middle of the front cover to place significance on his importance.
Flash/Cover line/Sell line - The flash line is one of the magazines strongest and most important was to attract the audience. Once the audience look at the central image, the think that instantly catches their eyes is the flash line. The cover line is bold and takes up a lot of the space in the front page, which allows the audience to focus on it for example on this magazine cover the flash line is, 'The day of the doctor!'
Free offer - Magazines sometimes come with small gifts or product ‘promotions’ attached. To be effective, these gifts or offers need to be closely targeted at the magazine’s core consumers. The magazine offers a chance to win blu-rays, DVDs, books and CDs. This is is an effective way to engage the reader with the magazine, sometimes this attracts the the audience more then the actual magazine. The prizes that have been put forth increase the chance for the audience to purchase the magazine.
Colour scheme - The colour scheme enhances the mood or particular vibe of the magazine, the colour of the magazine cover page has a a huge impact on how captivated the audience is. In this edition of 'Doctor Who' the colour scheme consists of greys, whites, reds and blacks. These colours create a mysterious sense about the film itself.
Name checks - There are two main name checks used; David Tennant and Matt Smith who are the main characters of the show so offering a interview with them will grab a buyers attention as they are more likely to buy the magazine if they get to knowmore about their favourite characters.
Language - The language used is snappy and no unnecessery words are used. Lots of poetic techniques are used such as - puns, alitteration. The aim is to grab the audience's attention as fast as possible. The words on the front cover are fairly formal "excuslively" which are mainly to target the older audience. However scientific phrases are also used to target a different audience "space and time".
Competitions - The oppurtunity of winning prizes are a further way of compelling the reader. Quizzes and and questionaires also draw the reader in to help them feel part of the publication as they're interactively involved meaning they're more likely to be intreseted in the magazine. Competitions make the reader want to buy the magazine as they believe they have a chance in winning something good.
Direct Address & Asking Questions - Direct adressing in this front cover is consisted within the cover line. The word 'celebrating' makes the audience feel as if they are part of the event which is the doctor who edition. This makes the loyal fans feel part of the family they always wanted to belong to.
Barcode, date and price - The barcode situated on the bottom left of the cover indicates validity and the magazine is a free issue therefore there is no price written on it. The date isn't written on it as it is a free issue so there is no need to keep up with when it will be released.
The real target audience - The real target audience for Doctor who would probably be those ages from age 14-25 as it has a sci-fi element to it and the younger generation tend to be interested in this genre. It is aimed at people in the ABC1 demographic group as it uses complex language in it's magazine. The psychographics group this magazine would attract would be explorers and reformers as both groups are interested in the adventerous side of life and socialisation of humanity.
Find at least 5 magazine covers aimed at a similar target audience to E4 and embed them on your blog. For each one, pick out one cover line that is similar to one you could use in your own magazine cover (e.g. an interview with a celebrity that also appeals to your target audience).

Find at least one TV souvenir magazine cover and embed it on your blog - Doctor Who magazine is always a good option (don't use the example above).
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